I’m graduated!!!

Hi everyone! Welcome to my very first blog!

After graduation, I felt a little bit lost! A lot of my friends have already found a job that they like, but not me. I haven’t even started searching for job. After 19 years of continuous studies, I realized that I am not a new grad that doesn’t have job, but a new grad that has tons of opportunities waiting for her to choose! I am a very lucky girl that have learnt a lot of different things in the past 19 years. I got to establish a lot of fun interests and hobbies. I feel like I can select any one of it as my career. Or, I can find a job that matches with my degree – BBA!

I am open to many job opportunities. However, eventually what I want is to have my own business. I want to be my own boss. “If you don’t build your own dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs.” – Tony Gaskins Jr.

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Insomnia again…

Before this hk trip, I still havent made up my mind about either staying here or staying in Canada after my graduation. I think the answer is pretty obvious by now..

I have been searching for a summer job these days. The salary is so low and the working hour is so long!! I think Canada suits me better. Even my first job working at a fashion store as a sales associates earns more money than an accountant clerk in hk does.. (Like.. 2 times more)

Also, I really dont like the humid weather in hong kong. My skin is acting so sensitive to it. I dont know why my eyes are so itchy every morning >< my skin and hair get so oily after my sleep! The worst part is my whatever allergy (dust allergy or AC allergy??lol if that ever makes sense..) whenever i turn on the AC, i sneezed…. Come on… WHO CAN LIVE WITHOUT AC IN HK??!! Sighs..

Alright. I think i have to end this blog… i know this is such a random blog.. Apologies.. I cant sleep…………………..

Im so random…


I am so full….

今晚家姐男朋友請食飯! hehe ^^
去左一間超級正 ge Brazilian BBQ restaurant 食野~
有個 live band, d 氣氛都好好, 坐滿曬人, reservation都會 full lol
個個 waiter 都好鬼靚仔, 件恤衫就快爆咁濟 lol
d 野食好好味
好想等佢生日帶佢去食 ^^
btw 今晚聽左 3次生日歌 hahahaha
仲有 9日 ja… 😦 
我就要離開加拿大 4個月 😦
好唔捨得 ar..
仲要係離開前一日仲有考試…又要搬屋 ><
要 long d 4個月…好難捱呀><
不過我都係會咁中意你架, sam sam!!!! ^^

呢幾日過得好開心呀!! ^^

lum 唔到由semester開始已經擔心 ge music essay, 係呢一刻已經交左~~
1500字 ge midterm 搞掂
800字 ge concert report 搞掂
2000字 ge 法文題目 essay 搞掂
呢科 music 我真係嘗試左好多野, 突破左好多野
除左以上 ge一 jar essay之外
平日上堂都提心吊膽, 但係其實都係開心 ge~
記得第一堂, 個 prof就要我地輪流唱本書上面 d字出黎, 隨便唱, 一人唱一句, 唱到個 chapter 完~ 
哇..真係嚇到我 bill冷汗 lol
不過之後成日都要我地即興作歌, 作詞, 作故仔, 然後比幾分鐘 ge時間我地練習, 就要輪流出去表演…..之後又習慣lu
下個禮拜就要去church 到表演唱 4首歌, 作為 final ge分~有 dd驚, 但係都係開心 ge, 好難得有機會上台表演唱歌 haha..
ay!好啦, 又要溫書..溫我最最最最最憎 ge finance啦…..



嘻嘻, 話咁快就10個月啦
由我做你女朋友個日起, 到宜家, 我日日都過得比以前 ge有 dd唔同,
開心左, 笑多左, 乖左, 有自信左
而且呢, 每一日都比前一日更開心, 更中意你 🙂
多謝你 claim左我呢個傻 ge, 仲當我公主咁對待 🙂
I love you 🙂

ai yaaaa

why allll the scholarships requires students to meet osap requirement…
I am poor too okayyy, that’s why I need a scholarship!!

The feeling of finishing three midterms in a role…….one word, 非常爽!!!! 😀

Even though I got a huge acne on the tip on my nose because of that shxt, but I think the happiness from finishing 3 midterms is wayyyyyyy bigger than my sadness from having that acne 😀
So proud of myself! I did it!!!!!
3 midterms:
1st one: last Friday 7-9pm Organizational behaviour
2nd one: Saturday 9-11am Statistics
3rd one: Saturday 1-3pm Finance
That was intense but I did it!!!!
Even though I think I would have done better on Finance if I had had more time to study… but.. anyways, I couldn’t change the schedule!
Anyways, hehe I think I did a good job 🙂


琴晚個 econ midterm竟然唔識做個條咁淺仲要做過好多好多次 ge題目,
明明識做, 考試個陣個腦塞得好勁, lum勁都 lum唔到點做,
考完之後就識做啦, 好mun自己, 好唔開心
今日做 music個 online assignment, 一路都以為係做夠 20次, 無多過 3個 errors, 唔用多過 5次 hints, 就可以100分, 因為明明做完之後個個 “review my score”個度都無分 ge, 淨係 check 有無做齊 20個同埋 under 3 errors and 5 hints ja ma. 點知今日手多多去第二個 page睇我 ge finished assignment list, 原來有個我唔夠 100 分, 原來有 error係會扣分, 要做翻多幾次先可以 pull up翻個 average >< ughhh. 點解咁架 >< 早知係咁 ge我就唔會見到雖然係 under 3 errors都 submit個分啦:( 因為係有 unlimited trials ga 😦 無啦啦無左幾分 😦 
呢幾日跌曬 d分落地, 仲要係送比我 ge分, 都law唔到 
唉  點樣可以開心 d, 點樣可以開心 d