last Wed’s photos~~=p in the career class, we formed groups and had a competition. we needa use 4 newspapers to build a statue, the group which could build the highest one in the class was the winner!and my group won!!yeah!! <勁 le~~呵呵呵!!xp during the lunch time, we had a sectional practise <this is a room […]

我隻手’bike”左啦!宜家真係超超超 painful!!(i’m serious) skiing is so great!i like the feel when i going down very fastsome of my schoolmates did snowboarding’ <me and jiyun jiyun is come from korea, and she is actually in my esl class she was born in korea, she knew how to do skiing and snowboarding!she is kinda a expert […]

今日係學校影左好多相呀!!不過我 ‘lum’要聽日 or後日先得閒 post上黎 ar!因為我 ‘lum’我姑丈好快黎接我, since我今晚係個邊訓, argh…….聽日要 6:45 a.m.番到學校 ar…..=((((because of the ski trip!!><仲早過 repertoire 個 sectional practise….-0- 聽日繼續影多 d相!!

今日終於派左 math個 diagnostic test la, i got 39.5/40!!!!><真係超唔爽 ar!!我’lum’如果比個38分我, 我都唔會咁唔爽 ar!!!!!!><個0.5分….仲係要錯落個 careless mistake到!!arghhhhhh~~~!!救命!! 今日 esl堂都幾…….平坦下, 但係中間又有一個’park’一聲 ge小插曲…lol成堂都做一個 quiz, 係為 read完個本 novel而做 ge, actually我仲有 about 20 pages未睇完, 不過….係 lunch time個陣, devon(my new fd, 又黎一個香港人!好!!……), 佢仲差5 pages未睇完, 但係都講左佢睇左 ge內容比我聽…所以個 quiz都仲 handle得黎….呵呵 <<個 author用 diary黎講六四事件 ge一本書 ar, 個個小插曲就係 ms.muller拍抬呀!!因為個個 nigel(vian’s 細路)無睇到本書, 仲要’pa’係到訓教, 唔做個 quiz ar!but actually nigel試過幾次都係咁 ga […]

snowing again!!damn! anyways, 今日 finally交左張 course selection!!finally!!!le 兩個 weeks, 我 d decisions of courses taking 轉左一次又一次, 希望第日我唔會後悔 la!at last, i chose– esl– english– math – accounting– music – musical theatre – photography – computer technology– repertoire (alternative) — economy 最期待就係 photography, 跟住就係 music+musical theatre~hehe!希望爭到入 musical theatre la!!haha!!開頭有部份原因係 ms.thomas教 ge關係唔係好敢 take, ms. thomas始終係個幾難搞 ge女人, 但係(都唔知係咪天整定) 就係le個 […]

…start from yesterday, 我做左percussion ge section leader ar!!唔知係好定唔好, 因為本身 percussion已經有一個 section leader ga la, 當 ms. Thomas話要轉左係我做個陣, 感覺好似我用圍黑色一片, 然後得一棧 spot light射住我咁 ar!因為好多人望住我, 好緊張呀!!跟住本身個個 section leader le, 佢叫 Denam, 佢 d fd問 ms thomas’how about denam?”, 跟住 ms.thoams無答…ar..真係有 d驚…之後 ms.thomas叫所有 section leaders出去 ‘law’ d譜個陣, denam一支箭咁’bill’左出去’law’…跟住我都唔知點啦..跟住又有人問 denam ‘ar u still the section leader?” when denam出緊去 ‘law’譜…ai..宜家都唔知點………………………………………. 宜家朝早播個首 […]

family day~(actually not, i didn’t spend time with my relatives and i hanged out with my fds today!)

gosh…i still get 2 hw to finish!!i dun really wanna do my hw…sighs.. btw, today was really happy!i hanged out with my sister, matthew and tobias, we went 唱 k and 食飯 together. 食飯個陣最開心, 因為成日都有 d搞笑野搞到我地笑, 其中有個例子, 大概就係…(當時 tobias睇緊電視, 播緊野蠻奶奶)(家姐, matthew同埋我就三個人係到傾緊計)matthew:有無睇到之前台慶 le, 胡杏兒同埋鍾嘉欣個 d花旦做個個 show ar家姐:有呀!!(仲有唔記得佢當時講左 d咩, 因為個陣幾個人一齊講野)我:鍾嘉欣好 hot 呀(and then, le個時候, 電視個到影住汪明”全”)tobias:下!唔係 ma, 佢好 […]

Happy Happy Happy Valentine’s Day!! 今日同 tina n emily ge屋企人仲有佢地兩個去食野跟住打保齡球, 有大人係到, 所以今日唔洗消費, 真係好!! 原來打保齡仲平過去唱 k!同埋 bowling個個 place係 emily ge親戚有份開 ga, so平 d~=p跟住仲有食野個到 le, tina個 ar 爸識個度個 manager, so又平 <<stephanie 整比我個隻公仔呀!!xp

今日 repertoire去比賽, d評判分別比左一個 gold一個 silver比我地! 但係其實我比賽完係超 down…因為我打 chimes個支野無帶到 ar!ms. thomas無叫到我帶又無叫到我唔洗帶, 不過原來佢叫左 Denam(one person in percussion section)”law”支野 ga….超慘呀, 個陣都唔知點好, 跟住 ms .thomas叫左個到 d volunteer幫我搵幾支 mallets(for the bells), 然後用個 d黎打 lor…but actually係唔夠聲 ga…同埋我要等個 volunteer幫我搵個陣, 我 miss左 2首半歌 ar…好唔開心 跟住唔知等 d咩, 企左好耐…勁辛苦 ar!因為個陣係著緊個 d kind of high heels, and then我對鞋個頭好尖, 著到我行路成隻企鵝咁 ar!!仲有 christine都係 ar…我地兩隻企鵝係到行 le, 跟住比 tina笑 ar!!真係衰..hahaha […]

i want to take the co-op course!is this a right decision for me???i’m at yuen ling gu gu’s house, so i can’t type chinese.from the past Tue till tmr, i’ll sleep at this place since i need to go to school earlier for the repertoire!!><my repertoire is going to Thornhill to have a competition tomorrow, quite […]