琴晚去左個 library到聽個 volunteer野 wif kaylee and her cousin, 係個到我仲撞到 3個我 ge同學 tim ar~=p今朝唔知醒 ar……..唔知點解個手機個時間慢左一個鐘…所以個鬧鐘就晏左一個鐘and then姑丈個鬧鐘又無響到….so…齊齊遲到!不過我今日 “lum”住 “work from home”=p, 做下個 history project, 如果唔係星期四晚就唔洗訓啦~我真係習慣左遲到就唔番學 lu..不過我 “lum”到時如果我 d小朋友遲到, 我都係唔洗佢地番!!XD出面街 d樹葉變緊色 lu, 尤其是學校個運動場側邊個幾棵, 幾靚下, 不過我 “lum”遲 d仲靚!!=p等再遲 d我就影番 d相先~=pbtw, 琴日派左張學生證 lu, 都幾 ok~!=p好過風采個張~XD我決定以後 esl堂都封嘴!!!!!!哼!!都唔知點解老師對我把聲咁 sensitive~我講一句佢就聽到, 其他人講幾呀句先聽到!!唔知點解宜家番學無一開頭番學咁開心~一開頭真係好中意番學….但係宜家..點解會咁 ge le??開頭番學個陣日日都有幾樣開心特別野發生, 宜家番學就日日都係差唔多, 無野發生, 就係上堂,做野落堂, 轉堂, 再上堂落堂轉堂….上堂落堂轉堂上堂落堂轉堂…琴晚”lum”訓前睇番之前 d相….真係大個左..又睇番兩封信….時間過得真係好快….

琴日 P.A. day最後都係無落 downtown~=p太懶 lu….不過都幫我慳左 $$, coz’ everytime我落去都會洗 $$$$$ for food…or transportations…then, i watched 家好月圓 at home!finally have time to watch it la!but 姑丈比到 35集我 ja….so 睇到 35集…omg!我要睇埋個 5集佢先得!btw, 岩岩 le個 week ge gym堂都去左個足球場到玩攬球, then對球踩完 d草地好臭呀!!!><搞到我學校個 locker都臭埋……ai…算!遲 d問姑丈 “law” d refresher先~=p係 la, 跟住我就放對鞋出去 backyard到曬 la, 點知琴晚落雨 ar……………唔知點解次次坐係架車個陣, 經過 le到間學校, 都會有種好想番學 ge感覺~=p琴日係屋企做左兩樣功課~keke好乖呀!!wakakakahistory project 封信打完 lu, 跟住落黎就係要整 […]

yes!P.A. day tmr!!!wt should i do tmr…??kekekeke…oh..maybe i can go to downtown…..maybe………=poh….i finally have time to type the xg…..this week is quite busy.this week i did a history project’s research note. that was JUST a research note…and spent me almost a whole afternoon!!omg…but i felt really successful and proud of myself after i finished the […]

i chatted wif 炒粉 last night, i talked a looot about my school~keke today, my relatives celebrated Astin’s 3rd birthday, actually his birthday is on the following Thur, so we had the party earlier. we ate two kinds of cakes, one is a strawberry cake, and the other is mango “mousse”(not sure the spelling) cake.i […]

又到星期六 la…..我想番學呀!!!! < silly tina <nina, vian and me <vian, me and tina  <a poster on the esl classroom’s door<i think that’s cool when i 1st time saw it~=p <the “regular” clock in every rooms<a poster behind one of the washroom’s door<i forgot her name.so sorry.she’s a G11 student<amy and helen (in the esl classroom)

今日整體黎講都係好開心 ge~~keke..是關有個傻婆係我側邊 GYM…防火演習..出去球場到企 about 5-10 min la, 都無人講野, then “do”一聲~~~~全部都入番入去….then test~super easy!!之後出番去球場 keep on 上 soccer, 好痛 ar!!個鬼妹本身識踢波 ga, then我做 goalie wor, 因為我琴晚訓教抽筋, so唔想跑咁多, and then 個鬼妹下下都咁大力踢過黎…跟住有次佢跟中我左腳 ge ankle ge右邊, 痛死我啦, but因為佢踢得太大力 la, 踢中左我之後就彈番去佢塊面 ar!!wakakaka佢食左波餅 la!!哼!咁大力 ar la!! history, 落左去 library上堂, and then library d電腦比人用曬, then 我 la, tina, Vian and nila,就四個去間房到用電腦!!!wakakaka..太正 la!!跟住我地係到傾計 ar..影相 ar…做左1分鐘都應該無 […]

should i say thank you to …….???today…..all Grade 9 students went to somewhere outside for the “Trudeaumania”(hopefully i didn’t spell it wrongly) there were only two or three special things happened today.. in the science class…..Felix be the “good Cantonese teacher” for Dylan again!!XDFelix : 我好 x蠢(this time, Dylan be smarter!)and said : 你好 x蠢then, […]

hey!!help!!!!今日……好驚有第二個 “mr. divide”出黎 ar……我唔想 ar……(lung應該可能有機會估到邊個係 mr.divide..hopefully)=p今朝播首歌好好聽呀, 係 HSM個首 breaking free ar!!(我間學校每朝臨上第一堂之前都會播三首歌, 第一首就係 random ge, 每日都唔同, 試過聽過 avril lavigne ge唔記得邊首歌;第二首就係每日都一樣 ge, 首歌無人唱 ge, feel like好..好壯觀好勁咁;第三首都係日日都播一樣 ge, 就係國歌 la~跟住首國歌都有幾個版本 ga bor, 我聽過有吹出黎 ge, 用 d like flutes ar…個 d咁 la, 又有個版本係吹個 d小號 ar,x號x號個 d….)上 gym…今日 tina成個 hyper 咁~都唔知係咪 d”紅梅水”搞到佢咁……係 la, 話說 le, 個支 redberry water le, 係 […]

今日 lunch之後就唔係好開心 la… 不過算 la, 當唔記得左 la~keke.. We had soccer leeson in today’s gym~!i finally~~~~~~interest in soccer “a liitle bit”~yeah~because i scored two marks in my team!!sooo happy!! 我平時 gym個 group有二個好 fd ge fd, 我每次見到佢地 d行為動作舉止, 都好似我同 hk ge其中一個 fd ga~so, whenever i saw them, my heart will bump into my fd~ (我前晚發夢番左香港, 去左花園街到同嬤嬤, daddy, […]

我個口忽然啍左風采 marching band個首差不多任何場合都吹 ge個首歌…-0-******今日 GYM玩 soccer, 不過我對 soccer無咩興趣…then 學左一 “ja” skills我本身已經覺得 C朗個 d球員好勁, 宜家覺得佢地真係好勁好勁好勁好勁!!!! 今日上 ESL個陣好 high ar, 可能係最後一堂掛, btw, 今日個班, d ESL A, B就左去 library, 淨番14個人, 得1個係黎自菲律賓, 唔係黎自 China, so 上堂咁 high可能都仲有係因為我地識講 Chinese, so熟得好快!!xp今日識左個廣州黎 ge女孩子~叫 Cici, 我地不約而同咁發現我地隻手都帶住左個 d膠 ge手帶, 不過佢個個就橙色, 我個個就青色 ge~琴日識左個係香港屯門黎 ge男仔, 佢個款好似嚴梓晞 ga~~ 放學又同 Tina一齊行番屋企啦~~好開心 ar!!宜家日日都有 fd同我行番屋企啦!! 就係中秋節 lu~預祝個個中秋節快樂, 家好月圓!!!!!XD p.s.thanks god!!you […]