more specifically.hell friday. everything’s on friday omg>< anyways, everything’s gonna work out somehow at last 😉just like my calculus quiz!hahahai got PERFECT!!!!!!!!^^ 100/100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XDDDDDso freaking happy :DDD p.s. i took some pictures for my photography course today;) and i like them hehe

STRESSES arghhhh. :(

i’m not satisfied with all my mark right now:(i need to redo all my music tests 😥 playing test, repertoire test, and theory test…sighssomggg i only got 47/50 in theory >< 47/50 = 94/100omggggg can’t let this happen!!!!>< i need to get perfect 😦so i’ll redo it next wednesday!!! rep test..dont even wanna think about […]

今日好開心呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^不過唔係因為自己而開心…而係因為 tina a!!!真係非常之 proud of her a!!!!!!!! 因為佢收到 university of southern california ge offer a!!!!^^係全世界 top 20幾 ge大學呀!!!!!超勁呀!!!!!!!!聽到個消息真係開心到不停跳 xDD個種興奮真係…好難形容!!!哈哈哈 之前同佢一齊拼命咁讀書, 睇住佢由上年 grade 11個陣就要上 SAT ge堂, prepare考 SAT個 test,然後一齊報 toefl, 第一次佢拎左 99/120, 差一分!到考第二次 toefl之前晚晚都好勤力咁做 toefl d exercise, 最後考到 111/120!除左要考呢 d好難考 ge test, 其實報 US d university仲要寫好多篇 essays…由開頭 9, 10月個陣, 佢問我意見, 一齊 brainstorm下 d more insightful ge […]

個 test….我讀得好辛苦個個 calculus test…今日拎番成績啦!!!!高過 85分呀!!!!!!我之前 set ge goal ar!!我有 88.2 a!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahah多謝我 d朋友呀真係要!!!!!! 放學撞到david個陣…lol 我: 派左 cal test la我!david: 點呀, 幾多分呀?me: 88分呀!!!!!david: haha 我高你少少me: 九十…..八!!?david: hahaha 差少少, 係 99 a!!(仲好肉緊咁講: 我寫漏左個單位呀!如果唔係 100 ga la!!><) 唉.個刻除左想用拳頭打佢之外, 真係唔知可以講咩!仲有呀, 原來88同99係”差少少” lor…!==不過都登佢開心 ge~;)this thursday又有 quiz la!!呢次要拎9字頭!!!!!!!

我.好.悶.呀.個個都去曬旅行!!!!!!!又去new york, 又去 caribbean, 又番 hk..得啦!!!chil~!姑丈又要 work from home!!!!咦~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!好想自己一個霸曬個屋企呀!!!!!!!!!如果我有得渣車你話幾好呢唔洗屈係屋企(間房)真係勁悶呀我宜家!!!!!!!!好想出街呀救命!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!但係其實我要溫 Ielts…./.

岩岩個 calculus quiz最後拎左 9字頭呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!真係超感激我兩個補習老師!!!!^^le 個 quiz將我個 average pull up左 5分呀!!不過都仲係好低分 😦 聽日 test黎啦!!!呢個先係大野 ><今日我 ge首席補習老師再獻多 3個小時比我 😥 真係好過意唔去呀 😦可以點補償呢??:(我一定要拎番個好成績番黎!!等佢感到欣慰一下!!!^^好!!!就咁話啦!!!!!!!如果拎唔到 85分以上, 我以後日日都做曬 cal d hw 先番屋企!!!!!!其實如果拎到 ge話, 我都決定要咁做啦!!哈哈!如果唔係下次又要佢教我教得咁辛苦架啦 xdd