今日整體黎講都係好開心 ge~~keke..是關有個傻婆係我側邊

GYM…防火演習..出去球場到企 about 5-10 min la, 都無人講野, then “do”一聲~~~~全部都入番入去….then test~super easy!!之後出番去球場 keep on 上 soccer, 好痛 ar!!個鬼妹本身識踢波 ga, then我做 goalie wor, 因為我琴晚訓教抽筋, so唔想跑咁多, and then 個鬼妹下下都咁大力踢過黎…跟住有次佢跟中我左腳 ge ankle ge右邊, 痛死我啦, but因為佢踢得太大力 la, 踢中左我之後就彈番去佢塊面 ar!!wakakaka佢食左波餅 la!!哼!咁大力 ar la!!

history, 落左去 library上堂, and then library d電腦比人用曬, then 我 la, tina, Vian and nila,就四個去間房到用電腦!!!wakakaka..太正 la!!跟住我地係到傾計 ar..影相 ar…做左1分鐘都應該無 ge “classwork” ar..but 個”classwork”就 only copy個chart, then paste落個 word到, then send to our e-mail address!so~~~we played played played and had a lot of fun in that room!!=p

lunch….又撞到 Kaiser la, 佢宜家有 2個 lunch periods ar!!!!!!!not fair!!!!><
tina, emily and me went to the guidence and signed for the volunteers~that would be on October 2nd, work for the Markham Fair~

esl…..keep on Cast Away…

finished esl…went to the library and wanted to grap the history book…i wanted “letter of WWI”that one..however…it was graped….luckily, when i went to the counter and borrowed the books, i saw tina!!and she was holding “letter of WWI”!!!yeah~~~so i can borrow that book from her now!

after school, tina and i went to sobey’s, shoppers, parks…..everywhere…..~it was sooooo fun!!she is really a 傻婆!!
and then, we went to Stonebridge “Primary school”(not sure), and “wanted to watch”(just wanted but we didn’t really watch that) the people 灑太極~there was a 太極 lesson at that moment~and tina’s mom and dad went to that class too!when those people were having a break, i saw 遠玲姑姑!!in the beginning, she asked tina that where was the washroom, then…i said “咦?!遠玲姑姑??”it was quite unbelievable…i didn’t really know my aunt was having a class right there!and then…the “helpers” there said they only hired the “gym court”, so we can’t go anywhere except the “gym court”. but then, i really wanted to go upstairs and visited around the primary school..so…tina and i 偷偷地咁上左 upstairs…no one was there…then…we saw a male/boy washroom~i was really curious about the male/boys washroom..so..tina 又陪我入左去睇 la~wakakaka
and then..we walked around the campus…and then, we finally went back to downstairs….we were just like having an adventure!!it was awesome!!(btw,when i saw awesome this word..it makes me to remember one thing that happened in today’s science lesson!Dylan asked me wt’s 嘔心 in Cantonese, and i taught him, and he said “你好”awesome”” to Felix!!and tina and i laughed at him.but he still not knowing wt we were laughing about~XDit’s so happy when we played like this, like teaching him cantonese~or….some bad words in cantoneseXD)

IN CONCLUSION, (learned from ec=p), i had many many mannnny awesome moments today!

i miss u guys in hk, but then..i don’t miss ec!!wakakaka..because..hmhm…i like PETHs more..keke=p

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