今日……好驚有第二個 “mr. divide”出黎 ar……我唔想 ar……(lung應該可能有機會估到邊個係 mr.divide..hopefully)=p

今朝播首歌好好聽呀, 係 HSM個首 breaking free ar!!
(我間學校每朝臨上第一堂之前都會播三首歌, 第一首就係 random ge, 每日都唔同, 試過聽過 avril lavigne ge唔記得邊首歌;第二首就係每日都一樣 ge, 首歌無人唱 ge, feel like好..好壯觀好勁咁;第三首都係日日都播一樣 ge, 就係國歌 la~跟住首國歌都有幾個版本 ga bor, 我聽過有吹出黎 ge, 用 d like flutes ar…個 d咁 la, 又有個版本係吹個 d小號 ar,x號x號個 d….)

上 gym…今日 tina成個 hyper 咁~都唔知係咪 d”紅梅水”搞到佢咁……
係 la, 話說 le, 個支 redberry water le, 係 tina上堂之前係學校到禁機買 ga bor, 咁支水出黎之後 le,支水竟然結左冰 wor…but then. 上gym要飲水個陣就解左冰 la~我唔記得左帶水出去個球場到, so借左 tina支水黎飲, then…佢飲完之後…先話”ar~~原來過左期 la…”個支水 Sept 8th, 08過期 ga la…..哈哈…

到上 history個陣, 我肚痛 ar….but i think it was not because of that water, i thought it was because i drank some cold drinks…..=p

到上 science….又肚痛啦…不過唔緊要!!當減肥啦~~~~xp
宜家我最中意上 science lu~esl我已經唔中意 la!!science個 teacher, mr.salavati~佢好好人 ga, 又成日講笑, 個 d英文又聽得出佢係就緊我地~~佢成日係我地傾計個陣講, “係呀係呀” in Cantonese!!跟住佢又向我地學 “really?” ge mandarin…哈哈…salavati真係對我地好好 ar~佢仲話, 如果我地一個禮拜全部都做齊 hw, 就係下一個 ge Friday ge science class, 帶 chips..chocolates..candies…比我地上堂食呀!!!!勁正 ar!!!好似開小型大食會咁 ar~~XD

and then..lunch….有隻”yuen”鬼 tommy坐係我隔離….係到不停講”我唔見左野呀…我唔見左野 ar…..”omg…

esl…係門口等入課室上堂個陣勁搞笑….咁樣我地個 classroom就係個 guidence對面 la, and then, Kaiser就走左過去 guidence個邊, “mau”係到影相 bor…then…佢放低佢支 juice係地下 la..影完之後就唔記得左支 juice, 走番過黎 classroom le邊 bor..then…又傾計 la..係佢醒番起佢支 juice ge時候…”lum”住轉身去 “law”番 la, 點知, 有個肥女人(工友)行動好迅速咁”law”起支 juice, 行去距離唔遠 ge recycle bin到, kaiser講”no…nonononononono”, but then, 個肥女人聽唔到, “dump”一聲就 dum左佢支 juice la…跟住…kaiser又講多次 “no……….”我地係側邊笑到停唔到….個女人望過黎…跟住我地就笑得仲大聲……kaiser就走番去睇下支野有無得 “law”番上黎, but then佢最後都無 “law”番~

///photoss here finally!!//

IMGP3005 << ny agenda IMGP3003 << my gym uniformIMGP3004

IMGP3006 <<periodic table in my agenda~it’s really useful for me~=p

IMGP3007 IMGP3014

IMGP3011 <<my holidaysIMGP3012 <<P.A. days~=p

IMGP2956 <<my time-table[HR–homeroom][PPL– gym][CHC–canadian history][SNC –science][ZLU–lunch][ESL– english as second language][ASP1–after school][AMR — repertoire]

IMGP3043 <<i was capturing that expiry day of the redberry water

IMGP3035 IMGP3039 IMGP3042

IMGP2955 << science’s course pack and textbook

IMGP3027 IMGP3028<<history’s textbook

7 thoughts on “

  1. hermione — thank you~=proselle — yeah~~monica — so u come to Toronto la!!and then u eat eat during the class ga la~=pyaman — thank you!=plung — it’s okay~ok!i will wait for ur letter~=p

  2. man i love the gym uniform. never had the chance to wear it loland the 2nd song you hear everyday le, it’s the song from Pirates of the Carribean. (at least it was that song when i was still studying there i dunno if they changed it or not :P) it’s to tell you there’s 5 mins to class and you gotta hurry up to classroom. lol

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